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Hotline-BB-grey-dark blue-en-192-105

ACQ 2016-1



In-water hull cleaning prohibited

Before divers are hired to scour vessel's hulls, members should familiatise themselves with a recent joint environment advisory that prohibits commercial divers from doing in-water cleaning of vessels painted with sloughing and ablative antifouling paints.

The Washington Department of Ecology and the Department of Natural Resources decision also prohibits the use of mechanical or hydraulic devices for in-water hull cleaning and the manual scraping of hard growth off surfaces painted with antifoulants.

Agencies say that the waste generated by the diver cleaning process pollutes, and the copper and metals used in ablative paints are toxic to marine life. To further ensure co-operation, the agencies are holding port districts, boat yards, marinas and commercial divers liable for any cleanup and natural resource damage caused.

Source : BIMCO Bulletin Vol 97 No.5
01 Oct 2002