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Hotline-BB-grey-dark blue-en-192-105

ACQ 2016-1



US checking Oily Water Separator violations

Many vessels are being targeted for Oily Water Separator and MARPOL violations.

US Coast Guard are carrying out detailed checks to ensure the vessel is compliant with MARPOL, and where a discharge has occurred, the US Dept. Of Justice will prosecute the owners and master criminally. Substantial fines and imprisonment may result.

False and misleading statements or actions to conceal matters either verbally or recorded by the crew gives a separate cause of action for a criminal prosecution. This action exists when the discharge occurs in the High Seas.

It is important to ensure the crew is fully conversant with MARPOL regulations and the vessel is fully compliant. It is also important that during an investigation by the authorities, the crew appear to be truthful and helpful. The US authorities have the right to seize documents. issue warrants of arrest, and interview the crew.

29 Jan 2004